You may remember if you're a regular reader of my blog, that I started this series of posts a while back. However, I never really connected well with it and instantly regretted it as I didn't have anything worth sharing with you that I'd enjoyed during the week. My exams have taken a toll on me recently too and therefore, I haven't really had time to sit down and enjoy my favourite shows or books.
What I've Been Eating
It's a well known fact that you can't revise successfully without a good stash of goodies to munch on! My trusty companion for this always has to be a huge packet of biscuits to last me the entire exam period. It was a no brainer this year, just had to be Oreos - the famous 'twist it, lick it, dunk it!' For years I had been so tempted to try them, but never really had the opportunity. I actually REALLY enjoyed them and they've certainly kept me going. They'll definitely be on my shopping list next year!

What I've Been Watching
After a week of crazy revision and a bunch of important exams, I treated myself to a well deserved rest and a movie marathon on the sofa. I managed to watch 3 much-loved movies in this time, which I will share with you! Kung Fu Panda 2 was my go-to movie. I'm not usually a big fan of movies involving violence and fighting, but you just can't resist this one! I'm a huge fan of animated films and love the creativity that goes into making them. I like to wind down with a film that doesn't involve a lot of thinking and this was definitely a good pick! Next was Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang! After watching the first movie, a couple of years back, I was tempted to see the sequel. It had me in fits of giggles at times and overall it was a good movie to relax to! Finally, I watched Forrest Gump! I've been meaning to watch this after years of constant quotes and references by my friends and I finally got the opportunity. This was one of my favourites, which also had me laughing. It's hard not not get attached to Forrest - a down to earth guy, with a big heart and lot of love. To summarize - 'Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get!'
What I've Been Trying
A couple of days ago, I received in the post a free sample of RESCUE Pastilles. These little gems are designed to sooth any worries or stresses you may have during the day. They help you to remain calm and set your mind and tummy at ease. I'd say I am definitely a worrier and often get stressed about the most ridiculous things - over thinking doesn't help either. When I received them I was thrilled, they couldn't have come at a more convenient time. With my exams starting the next day, I was in desperate need of them and was eager to use them! After trying these out, I would definitely recommend these to anyone, who like me, panics themselves with worry and stress over the simplest of things. They worked for me and hopefully, will work for you too!
Bye for now! Xxx
You should try the golden oreos! And, I've never seen Forrest Gump! I haven't seen a lot of classics smh
I think I may have to, they look delicious! Forrest Gump is just so funny and you get attached to him so quickly, such a sweetheart! :) xx