Sunday, 29 June 2014


Hey there!

It's that time again - yet another month has come and gone. June welcomed in the warmer weather - perfect for a nice tan and cute, floral clothing. You may be aware if you're an avid reader of mine, that I have been lacking in posts. It's fair to say I've been extremely busy, as mentioned in my last post - enjoying life to the fullest, meeting new people and embracing the sunshine!

(left to right) Embracing the Sun/ First ever Loom Band/ Thorpe Park/ Father's Day/ Back to School/ Brighton Meetup/ Sunbathing/ 2 Months with Shane/ London Picnic

This month was certainly a busy one, such a great welcoming to the start of Summer! The weather was absolutely beautiful and some great memories were made. 

Bye for now! Xxx

Friday, 27 June 2014


Hey there!

Sorry for not posting sooner, my life has been pretty hectic recently - so much drama, so much stress and a lot of time away from the Internet!

If you've been following my blog for a while now, you should be well aware that I have made a Twitter account for this little slice of the Internet, to keep you all updated with my upcoming posts and vlogs, exciting announcements and my general thoughts of the day! 

For any late comers, you can follow this at:
@nessiehere - (shameless promo right there!)

Since then, I've been participating in countless group discussions, posting lifestyle/witty updates and generally interacting with some lovely ladies. A few weeks ago, I was approached via Twitter by a blogger's website called Devise - an upcoming site, who were recruiting active bloggers to help run it. I was absolutely ecstatic, when they informed me I'd been selected and could not believe I'd been given such an exciting opportunity! I jumped at the chance of participating in this, to improve my writing skills and become better at what I love to do. Since then, I've contributed to this site and have posted a couple of times, which can be read here: 

In other news, I finally got the confidence to start my own YouTube channel. This was something I'd been waiting almost a lifetime to do, but was too afraid of sharing my face with the Internet. Though I may come across as being a confident, bubbly teenager, I have huge anxieties weighing me down that stop me from taking up great opportunities - some of which, I regret missing out on! After joining the YouTube adventure, I've been dedicating a lot of my time to creating videos, (mainly vlogs,) editing footage and uploading them to my channel for others to enjoy- wow, I've been busy! It was here that my confidence grew and I absolutely love it!

You can watch my latest video below, and if you want to see more of me then give my channel a cheeky subscribe! 

Lastly, if all that wasn't enough for you, I've also been busy outside of the Internet - filling out job applications, updating my CV, answering telephone calls and uniform hunting, until I struck lucky! After attending my first EVER job interview, I was given the opportunity to start work ASAP! Of course, I jumped at the chance and I start work in a few weeks, so I can finally announce, I'll soon be an employee at Primark - my favourite shop, a dream come true!

Bye for now! Xxx

Monday, 9 June 2014


Hey there! 

I'll admit now, when it comes to parting with my money, I am very stingy about it! I mean, we'd all be shopping on a daily basis, without a care in the world, throwing anything and everything into our shopping baskets - back breaking amounts even, if we could still keep everything in our bank! As a result of this, I rarely ever spend my money on anything other than necessities during the exam period. So I thought it was time to browse the Internet for some goodies and treat myself as I was due a much needed spend up! 

Starting with these lovely lip products! Over the past couple of months, I have been browsing the shops, online and off-line, for some new beauty items to replace my old ones - as a result of a good clear-out. Recently, my lips have been under the weather and severely dry, so were in need of some attention. No amount of Vaseline could save my poor, chapped lips! I'm not one to jump the bandwagon and follow the hype. I like to explore new and upcoming brands or quite often, stick to my old favourites! 

However, I do regret not giving in to these beauties. I was seriously in love with both of these products! They apply smoothly, hydrate my lips really well and last throughout the day, with minimal top-ups. I'm especially pleased with the Baby Lips balm: not only does it give a slight tint to your lips, it also keeps you well protected from the sun - bonus!

I'll admit, these past couple of months I haven't been all that interested in reading. I've been so desperately wanting to get into the habit of finishing an evening with a good book, but the half term and busy exam period has kept me so busy, I just haven't found the time! 

Recently, I've been talking to my lovely blogger friend, Eleanor, who I've become extremely close with. Luckily for me, she is an avid bookworm and has a great taste in books! She made me realise that my break from reading had to stop, so I picked up an old favourite of mine from the shelf, 'One Day by David Nicholls,' (for anyone that's interested,) and I was absolutely hooked and could not put it down. I feel like I couldn't have picked a better novel to spark my love for reading again - it was so light hearted and just so intriguing! 

Browsing through my abandoned bookshelf, I noticed the majority of my collection was either outdated or well read - so it was definitely time for a make-over! The Book Thief was a no-brainer - a book I'd been lusting over for a long while and a strong recommendation by Eleanor. The Rosie Project was an easy pick too and decided this time the hype was not worth missing out on!  

I'm so happy with all of my purchases and would recommend these to everyone - so worth it and cheap too!

Bye for now! Xxx

Monday, 2 June 2014

Liebster Award!

Hey there!

Wow, my blog has been busy this last couple of months! I never thought I'd be announcing that  my blog has won an award, let alone 2 in the past 2 months. Thanks to Anna I've been nominated for the Liebster Award. Such a great girl and I've been luck to have the privilege of talking with her - so you should all go check her out!

The Rules
  1. Thank the blogger who has nominated you for the award 
  2. Answer the 11 questions that they have written for you
  3. Give 11 random facts about yourself
  4. Nominate other bloggers with less than 200 followers who you believe deserve the award
  5. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer and be sure to let them know they've been selected!
Anna's Questions
  1. What's the best gift you'd love to receive? - I know this is a bit lame, but I'd love a year's supply of Starbucks coffee - I live for it!
  2. What's your biggest dream? - I've mentioned this before in one of my first posts, but I adore travelling and exploring new places so my biggest dream is to experience the Northern Lights 
  3. Any hobbies? - I am a filmaholic - I love everything from horror to comedy, I love to read, swim and sing, especially in the shower. I have also been intrigued in vlogging and started my channel, which you can see here!
  4. Favourite artists? - I'm not a massive fan of artwork, so not too familiar with artists. I guess my favourite would be Picasso, I love his work - just so quirky! 
  5. What movie would you watch over and over? - I would have to say the Inbetweener's or Insidious movie, I'm sure there are plenty more, but these are definitely my most watched ones in my DVD collection! 
  6. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? - This may be cheesy, but I'd probably go straight to Barcelona - to enjoy the beautiful sunshine, explore the country, admire the people, but more importantly to say thank you to Anna!
  7. Have you got anything you're looking forward to this year? - Nothing strikes me as exciting at the moment. I guess I'm looking forward to introducing my boyfriend to my family, seeing my cousin get christened, meeting my new baby cousin, family BBQ's and embracing the summer weather! 
  8. Meaning behind your blog name? - Nothing too exciting, my name is Vanessa and I blog here - wow, original. 
  9. If you could have 3 wishes, what would you wish for? - I would wish for world peace, a plane ticket for absolutely anywhere and everywhere in the world and a life supply of hugs for when I'm not feeling my best. 
  10. If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would you meet? - I know this sounds silly, but I would love to have met my younger self, to prevent her from making the mistakes she did and to prepare her for the future. 
  11. Do you have a celebrity icon? (If so, who?) - I think Demi Lovato is my favourite, she's been through so much in her years and is just so inspirational!
11 Random Facts
  1. I have a huge passion for travelling and have started my journey with Italy, Belgium and France.
  2. I am extremely lazy and procrastinate to the max - sometimes I forget to take my make-up off before I sleep, but shh!
  3. I am extremely inspired by Zoella and her fellow YouTube friends.
  4. I gave up a while, but I can honestly say that I am now obsessed with reading and spend every spare moment doing it!
  5. I fall in love so quickly and become so easily attached....oops!
  6. I've always been a natrually anxious person and am nervous about too many things to list. I am also extremely shy, especially around new people. 
  7. I cannot live without music - it just isn't possible! I'm so passionate about it and you'll never catch me without my earphones in!
  8. I was bullied for a total of 5 years when I was younger, which shattered my confidence. 
  9. I love to take touristy photographs wherever I go - especially in London!
  10. I've been vegetarian for 2 months now. 
  11. I used to know how to play the trumpet, but I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar! 
Questions for Nominees 
  1. Who's your biggest inspiration - celebrity or not?
  2. What animal best resembles you?
  3. Which is your most loved outfit in your wardrobe?
  4. Any phobias?
  5. What was your favourite hobby as a child?
  6. Where would you like to see yourself in 10 years time?
  7. Meaning behind your blog name?
  8. If you could swap bodies with anyone in the world, who would it be?
  9. Who are your favourite bloggers?
  10. What do you think is your best feature? 
  11. Reason for starting blogging?
I Nominate...

Bye for now! Xxx

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Day Trip to Groombridge

Hey there!

This half term, we were lucky enough to be treated with some sunshine. I had a bad feeling that the week would drag - judging by the rainy start, but it soon brightened up by Thursday and so my family tried to cram in as much as we could! 

As the weather was warming up, we couldn't waste away the gorgeous sunshine, so took a day trip down to Groombridge at the weekend. It was a beautiful day, filled with woodland walks, flower gardens, birds of prey performances and a short boat ride. Here you can see what we got up to:

Remember you can still give it a cheeky subscribe if you want to stay updated: 

Thanks for watching! Xxx


Hey there!

It's the end of another busy month and the start of a fresh one! So much has happened in the past few weeks and it's all been so exciting. I can't believe how quick this has come and gone, but the weather is getting warmer and everyone seems much happier! Summer always gets me going, motivating me to get out of bed and embrace the sun, meaning more things to blog about. May was an eventful month - full of exams, revision, relief, relaxation and celebration!

(left to right) Boyfriend's Work Party/ Revising in the Sun/ Meeting Nike Boy/ F.A Cup Winners/ Sunbathing/ Celebrating Month with Shane/ Family Meal/ London Day Trip/ Groombridge Eagle

Last month has definitely been the busiest yet and I have a few treats lined up for the next one. Let's hope the weather only gets better!

Bye for now! Xxx