It's that time of year again - time to prepare New Year's resolutions, time to unpack the decorations from huge, dusty boxes from the attic, time to stuff yourself with naughty treats! Less than a month away from Christmas, can you believe it?! Time really does fly and it's safe to say I'm excited, much to my boyfriend's annoyance! Only 2 more days until Advent and then the fun really begins. Of course, I am still painfully behind with my Christmas shopping, but I seem to have become so wrapped up in my own bundle of joy, I haven't even considered it yet!
It's taken all this excitement for me to realise that in the past few weeks I've felt blissfully happy! You would have thought judging by the weather that I would be drowning in my sorrows, but for once I feel like a kid in a sweet shop!
1. Spending the evening with my boyfriend, discussing future plans for the next couple of months.
2. Devoting a fair bit of my time to updating my blog with new content.
3. Snuggling with warm cocoa in the evening after a long soak in the bath.
4. Coming home from work with dinner already waiting on the table.
5. Counting down the days on my calendar until the Christmas holidays.
6. Knowing that we're only a few weekends away from decorating the house.
7. Jumping into bed after a hard day at work with my reindeer onesie on,
8. Wrapping myself up warm in my fluffy Christmas themed jumpers.
9. Watching everybody frantically buying gifts for their family.
10. The fresh smell of gingerbread in the streets.
I hope you're all just as excited as me for Christmas and not too behind with the gifts. Stay tuned for more Christmas-y themed posts, there's plenty more to come!
Bye for now! Xxx