Friday, 28 November 2014

10 Things That Have Made Me Happy This Week!

Hey there!

It's that time of year again - time to prepare New Year's resolutions, time to unpack the decorations from huge, dusty boxes from the attic, time to stuff yourself with naughty treats! Less than a month away from Christmas, can you believe it?! Time really does fly and it's safe to say I'm excited, much to my boyfriend's annoyance! Only 2 more days until Advent and then the fun really begins. Of course, I am still painfully behind with my Christmas shopping, but I seem to have become so wrapped up in my own bundle of joy, I haven't even considered it yet!

It's taken all this excitement for me to realise that in the past few weeks I've felt blissfully happy! You would have thought judging by the weather that I would be drowning in my sorrows, but for once I feel like a kid in a sweet shop!

1. Spending the evening with my boyfriend, discussing future plans for the next couple of months.

2. Devoting a fair bit of my time to updating my blog with new content.

3. Snuggling with warm cocoa in the evening after a long soak in the bath.

4. Coming home from work with dinner already waiting on the table.

5. Counting down the days on my calendar until the Christmas holidays.

6. Knowing that we're only a few weekends away from decorating the house.

7. Jumping into bed after a hard day at work with my reindeer onesie on,

8. Wrapping myself up warm in my fluffy Christmas themed jumpers.

9. Watching everybody frantically buying gifts for their family.

10. The fresh smell of gingerbread in the streets.

I hope you're all just as excited as me for Christmas and not too behind with the gifts. Stay tuned for more Christmas-y themed posts, there's plenty more to come!

Bye for now! Xxx

Thursday, 27 November 2014

My Journey Through Blogging

Hey there!

On rainy afternoons, during the cold winter months, I love to spend time scrolling through my blog, reading and cringing at some of my very first posts, watching how my writing has progressed after starting my little slice of the Internet.

Blogging was something I had always been inspired to do. From a young age, writing and reading were my favourite hobbies and there was never a moment where my head wasn't sunk into a good novel. Growing up, my lifelong career was to be an author - just as successful as JK Rowling and Jacqueline Wilson. My mind was constantly filled with new and exciting ideas, which would flow out onto the pages of my beloved notebooks. As the years went by, I had a collection of short stories, which I was almost certain would get published. However, these ideas were soon abandoned and the idea of blogging seemed alien to me. Nevertheless, it was a hurdle I was determined to cross and after some encouragement from my friends, I attempted to draft my first ever blog post - and here I am today!

Before I started my little slice of the Internet, I was a shy, timid young teen - lacking immensely in self-esteem and rarely had the confidence to even express my opinion. I never had many close friends I could rely on and had nowhere to display my feelings without being judged - but let's not allow this to become too deep! Blogging has had many benefits for me and I definitely do not regret allowing this to become my hobby. I've made many close blogging friends through a number of platforms including Twitter and emails and value them immensely! 

One thing I have learnt from my blogging experience is that it's extremely easy to get carried away when sharing a rant or expressing an opinion. It's seriously important that you refrain yourself from doing this, as you don't want to offend your readers.

I never expected to see my blog grow this much, but as I've blossomed as a writer, the views have increased. I truly am proud of my efforts to continue with this and appreciate the time taken to read my posts. Thanks to every single one of you who supports my writing habits - it really does mean a lot to me and I'm lucky to be rewarded for doing what I love!

Bye for now! Xxx


Hey there!

It's coming to the end of yet another busy month - starting to think I'm becoming an extreme social butterfly! So many new beginnings have sprung upon me in the space of such a short time and too many people have come and gone, but soon my life will finally start to fall into place. However, my Christmas shopping is yet to begin - bustling crowds and stressy people are definitely not my thing! 

Unfortunately, the weather has not been on my side this month - dull, wet and windy, typically British! Nevertheless, this didn't stop me from having fun - catching up with friends, travelling backwards and forwards to my new job and partying with my boyfriend!

(left to right: 2 Months With Lewis/ Snuggling in Cosy Jumper/ Remembrance Day/ New Job/ Fireworks Night/ Mad Party/ Onesie Evening/ Early Morning Sunshine/ Family Gathering)

Honestly, I couldn't think of a better way to spend this bitter, winter month. Not long now until Christmas - definitely excited for the days leading up the festive holiday! 

Bye for now! Xxx

Blogmas 2014

Hey there!

December is slowly approaching us - time to fetch the Christmas decorations from the loft, eat our weight in yummy food, wrap up warm in our favourite woolly jumpers and sing festive songs. You may think it's early for all of this, but when it comes to this time of year, my inner child comes alive! Christmas has always been my favourite part of the year - chilly winter nights, hot cocoa, fluffy blankets, festive lights - you name it, I love it! 

I challenged myself this year to participate in Blogmas 2014 to theme my blog around this exciting holiday - prepare for everything Christmas! Something tells me I'm going to get extremely carried away with this and spam my little slice of the Internet with an overload of cute snaps...

Bye for now! Xxx

LUSH Haul Review: Big Blue

Hey there!

As promised from my previous LUSH post, over the next couple of months, I will be sharing a number of reviews with you based on the treats I was given at the VIP blogging event. Most of you should be aware that I am a HUGE fan of everything in LUSH and have never been disappointed with my purchases, so apologies in advance if I get way too carried away, (which is definitely likely!)

1) Big Blue

I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to create this little beauty of a bath bomb for myself at the LUSH VIP blogging event and was even more excited to use in my bath, so it wasn't surprising that Big Blue was the first to be unwrapped from my goodie bag! I've always been a huge fan of freshly scented blue baths, as opposed to earthy orange/red baths, so instantly that was a bonus...

As as avid lover of LUSH bath products, I was surprised myself when I realised this was the first bath bomb I'd purchased to have a filling in the middle! Perfect for a relaxing evening after a productive day or simply to wake you up with a refreshing morning buzz - this bath bomb definitely lives up to it's name! It smells heavenly as it gently fizzes in the bath tub - dispersing tiny bits of seaweed made to soften the hot water in your bath tub! However, I found this released far more seaweed than I anticipated and it often felt uncomfortable when reacting to any sudden movement. Despite this fact, the kelp is 100% worth it - bursting with vitamins and minerals, which help to regulate your metabolism.

Having said that, I found the product most overwhelming and embraced the refreshing scent and gorgeous teal colour of the bath. As a result, my skin was ever so smooth after using this beauty and I felt completely smooth and seriously moisturised. 

Reasonably priced at: £3.35
Rating: 8/10

Bye for now! Xxx

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

*Today is a Gift, That's Why they Call it the Present... #AngelAddiction!

Hey there!

After scrolling through my dashboard and catching up with my favourite bloggers posts during my lunch break, I stumbled upon a much loved blogger of mine - Jess. She writes so beautifully about a whole range of topics - fashion, lifestyle, beauty etc and would definitely recommend checking her blog if you're nosy like me! I realised that I haven't responded to many challenge ideas on my blog recently and jumped at the chance to take part in a fun tag after reading Jess's recent post . Angel Perfume by Theirry Mugler challenging bloggers to create their own mood board expressing their most valued addictions from present day and from your past - I was instantly inspired to try it myself!

I've always believed that a picture speaks 1000 words and what better way to show off my most valued addictions, than a collage of all my favourite snaps! Food, friends and family are my most important f's. First of all, who doesn't love food? I love to venture out to new restaurants out with friends, experiencing new flavours and trying new dishes! Date nights are always fun when there's food involved! My friends and family definitely had to make it on my life - they pick me up when I'm feeling low and support me through thick and thin. Looking back on the memories I've shared - I wouldn't change a thing about them. I love how they've never let me down and have been constant throughout my past, present and future! Finally, before I start the cheese, trips are a long lasting addiction of mine. I love long car journeys and flying abroad to hot countries, I've been all over the UK and spent a week away in Wales, but nothing compared to the trip away to Italy with my friends - handsome Italian men, endless amounts of pizza and pasta and gorgeous weather!  

Above all else on this list, my most loved addiction is without a doubt my boyfriend. Before I met him, I'd always been terribly insecure - never wanting to smile without shying away, fearing that everywhere I'd go people would judge me and never wanting to trust anyone with my life. Since I've been with Lewis, I've felt my life being positively impacted and changed for the better. He made me understand that I am beautiful, no matter what anyone says and taught me not to care what others have to say. The most important thing is to realise - 'the people that mind, don't matter and the people that matter, don't mind!' I cherish every single moment I spend with him - whether that be on cosy nights in or cute evenings out because he's who's created the confident person I am today and I never want to lose someone as special as him.

Bye for now! Xxx

Say No To Smoking!

Hey there!

First of all, apologies for the lack of posts I've been uploading to my little slice of the Internet. Life has just completely taken over and I'm slowly climbing my dream ladder of success. My boyfriend and I are stronger than ever and my new job is absolutely perfect! However, this means that the time I have to draft and upload content is scarce. I miss reading and replying to your lovely comments and pouncing on my blog, just to simply spill my brain out for you. This does not mean I'll neglect my blog forever, but my posts will be far and few, so stay tuned! 

Now the intro's over and done with, I can share my exciting news! Today marks my 2 week smoke-free life! For a while now I've been determined to stop this bad habit of mine, but the process of it seemed harder than I thought. 

Smoking Kills, Smoking Causes Fatal Lung Cancer, Smokers Die Younger were only a few of the messages I saw plastered everywhere. As scary as they may seem, no matter how many times I was threatened with this on the back of a crushed up cigarette packet, I was convinced my habits were here to stay! I was surrounded by smokers on a daily basis and my hunger for cigarettes increased dramatically. I'd never wanted to become a heavy smoker, but my craving was becoming a huge issue for me and that was when I realised I needed to stop. 

I can't believe I've managed to maintain this new lifestyle change and it may not seem like a big deal to non-smokers, but it's a huge adjustment for me. There are so many perks to quit smoking:
No longer will I have to overload myself with  a ridiculous amount of Hollister perfume before entering my house. No longer will I have to worry about walking a mile ahead to avoid my non-smoking friends. No longer will I be faced with death stares as I brush past protective mothers and judgemental elderly folk.

My boyfriend was also a heavy smoker, but decided to support my decision and joined me. I won't lie to you and say my cravings have gone entirely, Lewis and I have occasional times where we could do with a cigarette. It's hard to explain... I blame it on the regular smoking habits and the fact that smoking became a conclusion for all my problems. However, despite this I've definitely seen an improvement in my health and cannot wait to see what the future holds!

Bye for now! Xxx

Wednesday, 5 November 2014


Hey there!

It's safe to say that this month has been an extremely busy one for me - starting with birthday celebrations, followed by a whole range of events! Half term was soon approaching us, which meant catch-up time with all of my friends and family. As the weather turns colder and the evenings are drawing to a close, home bound I will soon become, but I took the opportunity this month to embrace the last of sunshine!

(left to right)  LUSH Bath/ Drinks at the Pub/ Cosy Night in with a Candle/ Morning Chills with the Boyfriend/ Trip to London/ 18th Birthday Celebrations/ Evening at the Boyfriend's/ Ice-skating/ Trip to Nevermind the Buzzcocks

Bye for now! Xxx