Thursday, 26 March 2015

The British Tag

Hey there,

It's been way too long since I last updated my blog, but fear no more I am back - here in the flesh, tapping away my keyboard! Recently, I've been rushed off my feet with one thing and another so have had no time to spare for my little slice of the Internet. More importantly, I've been hidden away with my head in a book for what seems like eternity - how I've missed catching up with my favourite authors! 

Unless you've been hidden under a rock, you'll have noticed that everyone seems to be significantly happier - thanks to these longer days and perfect sunshine! Not quite short wearing weather yet, but just enough to expose a little bit of leg. I can't help but daydream for summer to arrive, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to take part in...

1. How many cups of tea a day do you have? How many sugars?

I'll be honest, I'm not a huge tea fan - I'm more of a coffee drinker. If I'm not tucked away with my favourite book, then I'm most probably sat in Starbucks treating myself to a frothy coffee. Most days I'll get through 2 cups of coffee with just the one sugar. I'm already sweet enough - cue the cringe!

2. Favourite part of your roast?

Hands down, it just has to be roast potatoes. No Sunday dinner would be complete without a handful of crispy spuds - seasoned with just enough herbs to make your mouth water. 

3. Favourite dunking biscuit?

Definitely a tough one to answer, but I do love a good Bourbon. For something a bit more fancy, I'll never say no to a rich tea biscuit. 

4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime?

A monthly trip to London has always been on my checklist. Visiting landmarks and joining the local hustle and bustle is definitely something to admire about Britain - I just can't get enough of London!

Image result for london

5. Favourite word?

Bollocks - not the most pleasant of British words, but I'm forever catching myself saying it whenever I make a balls-up of something. Definitely brings the common side out of me!

6. Cockney rhyming slang?

Fortunately, I've had the privilege of being brought up by a former East-end father. I've always been fascinated by the language and love learning new phrases too! 

7. Favourite sweet?

You just can't beat a lemon sherbet. Definitely popular in the UK and I just can't get enough of them!

8. What would your pub be called?

Tough question I think - I've never been a creative one myself. British pubs always seem to be named after monarchs, so I guess mine would be have to be dedicated to the royals.

9. No.1 British person?

Hands down, Michael McIntyre! Enough said really - he's just so down to earth and never fails to make me giggle. 

10. Favourite Shop/Restaurant?

I've always been a big fan of the Harvester - that's one place I'm well known for! I do love a good pie and mash meal and I've always taken advantage of my local cafe too. Guess I'm just a food fanatic!

11. What British song pops into your head?

I wouldn't be British if I didn't mention our anthem. Known all over the world and something I'll never forget the words to. Can't beat a good ol' classic of Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley! That's definitely one to be saved for flashing those moves in your bedroom!

12. Marmite?

I'll admit I've never been a huge fan of marmite. They say you either love it or hate it, but I think I'm definitely an exception. If I'm in a rush, marmite on toast is the way to go!

Worth giving a go? I think so - I challenge all of you reading this to take part in the British Tag!

Bye for now! Xxx

Thursday, 12 March 2015

My Adventures in Hospital 02/03/15

Hey there, 

It's definitely been a while since I've updated my little slice of the Internet  and to be honest, I can't apologize enough! How I've missed eagerly tapping away at my keyboard, frantically spewing out the contents of brain onto my blog for all you nosy viewers to read! 

I'm not asking for sympathy, but I can assure you last week was not an easy ride! You may think I'm making a big fuss out of nothing, but I've never been a huge fan of hospitals. Always full of disappointments, bad news and don't even get me started on the smell! 

For over a year now, I have been wearing a brace - pretty obvious if you've seen my countless number of photos, (a girl can never have too many selfies!) Just recently I've found a new attachment to it and can't bare to part with it yet. However, as much as I love my braces, I do not enjoy the tedious trips to the hospital with dentists towering over me peering inside my mouth - too close for comfort! 

But it doesn't just stop at the braces - oh no, my case is a lot more complicated than you may think! A couple of months ago, I was hit with the news that my jaw appeared to be slightly asymmetrical. At the time I remained quiet, yet calm, confident that it was nothing too serious. That was until they told me it meant I'd have to have my jaw realigned to prevent any problems in the future - definitely not something I was prepared for! 

Last week was the first initial step towards the end result and I'll admit I was definitely unprepared for what was yet to happen. Surrounded by patients in a hospital bed nervously waiting to be called in for my wisdom teeth to be removed was not my idea of fun!

Nevertheless, despite all the nerves I had been suppressing for hours on end, I couldn't resist whipping my camera out to pose for my outfit of the day - the typical hospital gown, (how attractive!)

Fortunately, I am back to my usual, perky self again and will be posting regularly on my blog again, so you won't have to miss me too much!

Bye for now! Xxx