Saturday, 8 February 2014


Hey there!

Today, I decided to be brave and took a step on the scales, after what seemed like a century! I have to say my first weigh in of the year, wasn't looking very pretty, to say the least! Weighing in at 9 stone 5, I felt like some action needed to take place if I was to be remotely happy with my body!

This made me realise how strict upon myself I'm going to have to be! Most people say 'new year, new me,' but never really stick to it! I, on the other hand, am feeling like this year, could possibly be my year! I feel, I can change my life around significantly and for the better! Hopefully, this attitude will stay this way  throughout 2014!

So, for the rest of the year, (until Summer,) I'm going to try and stay as healthy as possible! That means NO snacking after school and NO lying about and being lazy!

Let's see how long this will last!

Cheers to a NEW ME!! Xxx

Thursday, 6 February 2014


Hey there! 

I know we're 2 months into 2014 already, but here are a few challenges I set myself to complete during the course of this year!

 1. Photograph your favourite places.
 2. Have a nostalgia trip.
 3. Have an early night with a good book.
 4. Test a new drink.
 5. Try a new restaurant.
 6. Write a completely honest post about how you’re feeling right now.
 7. Try a new beauty/hair/skincare/anything from Boots product. 
 8. Have an internet-free weekend.
 9. Write a letter to your past self.
10. Write a letter to your future self.
11. Try a food you hated as a child.
12. Try a new ice-cream flavour.
13. Watch a sport.
14. List the top 5 places you want to visit in the world. Start saving for one of them.
15. Spend a day in your pyjamas.
16. Leave a comment on every blog you read for a week.
17. Buy that practical thing you never got around to.
18. Spend the day/night watching only one channel. See what you learn.
19. Try something you think you're going to hate.
20. Rearrange some furniture. 
21. Make a new friend/meet a blog friend.
22. Write a big, long list of things that make you happy.
23. Send an anonymous gift.
24. Have a picnic.
25. Do something nice for somebody you don’t know or don’t much like.
26. Read a newspaper.
27. Give up your biggest vice for a week.
28. Clear out under your bed/the junk drawer/your wardrobe/that bulging cupboard
29. Tell someone you love them
30. Turn a few different corners on a familiar path.
31. Go bowling.
32. Pick a book totally at random (from the library/charity shop/bookshop) and review it.
33. Send postcards just because.
34. Go to a local event.
35. Have a tea party.
36. Create something (anything!)
37. Do something on your own which makes you feel self conscious.
38. Do something that scares you. 
39. Get rid of five things you no longer love.
40. Visit a local interest spot.
41. Read a biography.
42. Have a movie day.
43. Give an abandoned hobby another go.
44. Try a new exercise.
45. Play a board game.
46. Discover new music.
47. Visit somewhere new.
48. Take the long walk home.
49. Photograph a stranger with their permission.
50. Make something outside of your cooking/crafting comfort zone.
51. Spend a day blitzing your to do list.
52. Buy yourself something frivolous.
53. Leave a good book for a stranger to find.
54. Hang something new on the wall.
55. Take a friend/loved one on a mystery date.
56. Say thank you.
57. Teach somebody something.
58. Watch a classic film/read a classic book you've never got around to before.
59. Complete a personal challenge. 
60. Camp out. 

Good luck to me!! Xxx

My Q&A

Hey there!

Thanks to a large number of you, I was able to gather a fair amount of questions together, to make this post as viewer orientated as possible! I decided to select, from the handful that were sent to me, the most commonly asked questions and most interesting ones!

1) What is your favourite thing to do in your free time?
I spend the majority of my free time socialising with my friends and boyfriend! I love a good party, especially when it's with the people I am closest with! Always a good excuse to dress up and pamper yourself! My mum said I was born a 'water baby,' which explains my love for swimming! I regularly spend my evenings snuggling into bed with a film and hot chocolate, but also like to make the occasional trip to the cinema for the full experience....(and popcorn, of course!) Last, but not least, every spare moment I have during the day, I spend writing! I love to voice my opinion and sharing my personal experiences with others!  

2) Think back to your first kiss, when was it and how did you feel?
My very first kiss was in Year 4, aged 9, with a boy who I thought was my 'one and only' at the time! We tried our best to hide under a picnic bench, during a lunchtime to share our first 'romantic' kiss in our week long relationship! I think I enjoyed it more than I should have, but could you really blame me? It was all a bit overwhelming! 

3) If you could spend one day anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
I would choose to spend the day in Norway to sit under the Northern Lights. Hands down, the most amazing sight you could see in your lifetime. Ever since I was a wee girl, I would often dream of lying in a field, gazing up at the sky in awe at all the pretty colours! <3  

4) Among John Green book's, which one is your favourite?
There's no denying that 'The Fault In Our Stars' is the best read by far! Such an emotional story-line and perfect choice in characters! One which I was incredibly attached to and could not put down! In fact, I read it multiple times after! I would seriously recommend this to anyone who hasn't yet experienced such a great novel! 

5) What was the second to last message you sent to someone? 
'Love you xxxxxx' 

6) Are you currently in love with someone? 
As mentioned before, I currently have a boyfriend who treats me like a princess and who means the absolute world to me! I think it's safe to say I am deeply in love with him....even in this short space of time! 

7) What season/month in the year is your favourite and why? 
Despite the awful weather, my favourite seasons are during the Autumn/Winter month, starting with my BIRTHDAY! <3 I am extremely looking forward to this year, after what's seemed like a lifetime of waiting, I'll finally be 18!!! Another exciting event in the Autumn is HALLOWEEN, where the evil come out to play! Pretty much an excuse to dress inappropriately, hold lots of parties and eat mountains of sweets! The lead up to Christmas involves being snuggled under a blanket, frothy, hot chocolate with marshmallows and a good chic flick! Last, but not least, the finale of CHRISTMAS! Time to wrap up warm in baggy, festive jumpers, sing more than necessary and feast on the traditional roast, MY FAVOURITE!! <3 

8) Where do you get most of your inspirations from? 
The most inspirational person in my life is Zoella from YouTube. She's always so smiley, buzzing with energy and motivates me so much. In fact, it was her who inspired me to write this blog! Her fashion sense is perfect and I love the fact she can pull off pretty much any look. Her shopping habits are extremely similar to my own, with LUSH and Primark being at the top of my list! One day, I may even decide to start a YouTube channel just like her, if I pluck up the courage to! Photography is a significant factor, which inspires me a great deal too! I have a passion for taking artistic photos and love the angled, naturalistic shots the most! One day, I'd like to think that I could make a part-time career out of it! A hug, here and there, from close friends and family to brighten my day, also inspires me to continue doing what I'm best at and keep going! <3 

9) Name the film that you enjoy watching the most? 
I am a big softie for Disney films and such a child at heart! <3 So much so, that I was ecstatic for the release of Frozen! Who doesn't love a good singalong to an animated snowman? Enough to make your heart melt, (see what I did there!) I couldn't possibly pick an all time favourite film, so here are a few of my most seen movies: Mamma Mia, Insidious, The Inbetweeners and Inception, (so good it blows your mind...LITERALLY!)

10) What's your favourite and least favourite thing about yourself and why? 
If I could change one thing about myself, it would be my lack in confidence. I appear to be extremely awkward and shy when meeting people for the first time, which often has an impact on my first impression! In the past I have missed out on taking part in certain opportunities, for fear of speaking out and sometimes, I get overlooked because of it! One day, I dream of being able to talk in public, whenever and wherever, on topical subjects to an audience of people. On a smaller scale, just being able to look someone in the eye and communicating confidently when meeting new people, would be a personal achievement I would be extremely proud of! At the moment, my favourite thing about myself would be my outlook on life! I face each day at a time, as it comes and I am finding this method of thinking a better way to perceive life. As a result of this, I have become more positive and couldn't be anymore happier! <3 

Thanks again for sending in your questions! Xxx