Thursday, 6 February 2014


Hey there! 

I know we're 2 months into 2014 already, but here are a few challenges I set myself to complete during the course of this year!

 1. Photograph your favourite places.
 2. Have a nostalgia trip.
 3. Have an early night with a good book.
 4. Test a new drink.
 5. Try a new restaurant.
 6. Write a completely honest post about how you’re feeling right now.
 7. Try a new beauty/hair/skincare/anything from Boots product. 
 8. Have an internet-free weekend.
 9. Write a letter to your past self.
10. Write a letter to your future self.
11. Try a food you hated as a child.
12. Try a new ice-cream flavour.
13. Watch a sport.
14. List the top 5 places you want to visit in the world. Start saving for one of them.
15. Spend a day in your pyjamas.
16. Leave a comment on every blog you read for a week.
17. Buy that practical thing you never got around to.
18. Spend the day/night watching only one channel. See what you learn.
19. Try something you think you're going to hate.
20. Rearrange some furniture. 
21. Make a new friend/meet a blog friend.
22. Write a big, long list of things that make you happy.
23. Send an anonymous gift.
24. Have a picnic.
25. Do something nice for somebody you don’t know or don’t much like.
26. Read a newspaper.
27. Give up your biggest vice for a week.
28. Clear out under your bed/the junk drawer/your wardrobe/that bulging cupboard
29. Tell someone you love them
30. Turn a few different corners on a familiar path.
31. Go bowling.
32. Pick a book totally at random (from the library/charity shop/bookshop) and review it.
33. Send postcards just because.
34. Go to a local event.
35. Have a tea party.
36. Create something (anything!)
37. Do something on your own which makes you feel self conscious.
38. Do something that scares you. 
39. Get rid of five things you no longer love.
40. Visit a local interest spot.
41. Read a biography.
42. Have a movie day.
43. Give an abandoned hobby another go.
44. Try a new exercise.
45. Play a board game.
46. Discover new music.
47. Visit somewhere new.
48. Take the long walk home.
49. Photograph a stranger with their permission.
50. Make something outside of your cooking/crafting comfort zone.
51. Spend a day blitzing your to do list.
52. Buy yourself something frivolous.
53. Leave a good book for a stranger to find.
54. Hang something new on the wall.
55. Take a friend/loved one on a mystery date.
56. Say thank you.
57. Teach somebody something.
58. Watch a classic film/read a classic book you've never got around to before.
59. Complete a personal challenge. 
60. Camp out. 

Good luck to me!! Xxx

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