Friday, 30 May 2014

YouTube Announcement!

Hey there!

For a good, solid couple of months now, I have been so desperately wanting to make my own YouTube channel to upload vlogs and weekly videos to. Its always been a passion of mine and I have always been inspired by my favourite YouTubers, who I am often mentioning on my blog and just admire how confidently they speak to all their viewers. However, the idea of making my own channel didn't come from them, it was simply based on a number of different bloggers. It's nice to sit and watch people making videos, not because they have to or to impress their viewers, but for themselves! 

It wasn't until the other day that I decided that it was time to face the camera! I'd been hiding from it for too long, wasting away the days and there was no way I would let this continue. I thought this would be a great idea for my blog, an alternative way to interact with my viewers. My own personal space to upload anything I feel worth sharing - daily updates, trips out and hauls. 

 For my first vlog, I decided to film in my favourite place - LONDON! If you fancy following me on my travels and supporting me with my YouTube channel or if you're just a generally nosy person, then you can take a look here:

Apologies if the music is too loud or the editing isn't smooth enough - bare with, this is my first vlog! It took a lot of courage to upload myself to the Internet, but I am happy with the outcome and all the hard efforts were worth it.

Here's my channel if you fancy giving it a cheeky subscribe to help support me: 

Thanks for watching! Xxx

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

Hey there!

Thanks to DaliRae, I have been specially nominated, (among a few others,) for the 'Very Inspiring Blogger Awards.' I'm so excited to make this announcement! Never did I think my blog would accumulate so many readers who would appreciate my blog and what a lovely bunch you are! Everyone should go check her out because her blog is also amazing!

The Rules
  • Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you for the award
  • List the rules and display the award 
  • Share 7 facts about yourself 
  • Nominate around 15 other blogs who you think deserve this award and comment on their blogs letting them know that they have been nominated
  • Optional: proudly display the award logo somewhere on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you 

7 Facts About Myself 
  1. I have been studying French for 6 years and am finally becoming fluent
  2. I have a phobia of spiders and sick
  3. I have been a vegetarian for just under 2 months
  4. I have finally found the confidence to start my own YouTube channel
  5. I have a habit of keeping everything as a souvenir 
  6. I have a strong passion for travelling and dream that one day I can see the Northern Lights 
  7. I have a huge problem with making decisions - it just never happens!


Monday, 26 May 2014

#4 Weekly Favourites

Hey there!

It's the end of yet another busy week and the beginning of another - full of last minute revision at unearthly hours of the morning, a bunch of important exams, a mini shopping haul and the start of a well deserved half term! 

What I've Been Eating
For me, the last 2 months have been spent sat hunched over stacks of loose sheets and textbooks, highlighting key facts, studying hard at my desk under my Pixar style lamp for my AS exams. For most people, this is when the munchies kick in and the consumption of greasy snacks are heavily relied upon. However, somehow I seem to have lost my appetite due to an increased amount of stress. After what seemed like a lifetime of revision and hour long exams, I was itching to fill myself with some tasty food and basically ate my weight in pizza! Pizza is a lifelong friend of mine, a go-to meal when I am in need of a quick snack and a no brainer when choosing what to buy for dinner. It was certainly a well deserved treat and one which I did not regret afterwards!

What I've Been Reading
This week I haven't been all that interested in catching up with any TV shows or films, so I decided to include what I've been reading instead. I am known to be a very slow reader by almost everyone that knows me and have been known to spend months on one book. For a number of weeks now, I've been snuggled up in the evenings thoroughly enjoying reading One Day by David Nicholls before bed. The book focuses on a young woman called Emma and young man called Dexter over a couple of decades. They meet together one day at college graduation, but know that the next day they must go their separate ways. After spending only one day together, they cannot stop thinking about each other and as the years go by, they continue to reminisce on that special feeling they have for one another. The book follows their separate lives and records the thoughts and feelings of the couple on the same day, every year. Twenty years, two people, ONE DAY!

What I've Been Trying
After what's seemed like a lifetime of saving and very little spending, I felt it was necessary that I hit the shops - a direct hit to my bank! Among everything that I bought, my favourite purchase has to be COD: World At War. For as long as I can remember, I've been craving for this game and when I saw it going cheap, I just had to pick it up. Ever since it's been home, I've been hooked - spending endless hours, late into the evening, sat on the edge of my sofa, firing away at the enemy, releasing my stresses and anger!

Bye for now! Xxx

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Life Update: Twitter Time!

Hey there!

Goodbye exams and hello social life! After spending the last 2 months revising and stressing for my AS exams, the half term is finally here! Welcoming in the sunshine and a well deserved rest...Finally, I am free from everything school related, (until my last 2 exams,) and can start to enjoy my life. Back to the late night deep conversations, lie ins until midday, pyjama days and just generally allowing myself some 'me time'. That means more time to go shopping, take photos, see friends and blog to my hearts content. So apologies for the lack in uploads recently, but I'm back and bursting with creativity for more blog posts - starting with some news!

No matter how many blog related sites I follow my favourite bloggers on, I still manage to miss their most recent posts, which can become frustrating, especially as I'm a particularly nosy person and hate missing out! So I finally managed to find time to set up a Twitter account for my blog. I thought this would be a great way to update you on new posts, post links to my favourite fashion/beauty sites and anything I find interesting, write quirky quotes that pop in my head and most importantly, to interact with all of you!

If you wish to follow me on Twitter, just click this link to be directed to my page: 

Bye for now! Xxx

Monday, 19 May 2014

We're All In This Together!

Hey there!

I bet you were thinking, judging by the title of this post, that you were going to be reading a cheesy HSM related post, but your eyes were deceived! Recently, the Internet has blew up a storm and gone crazy over 'YouTube Culture,' and this is something that just cannot be ignored. A grand number of videos and blog posts have been uploaded to the Wide Web in the past few months. Some of these by my favourites including SprinkleOfGlitter a.k.a Louise and Zoella a.k.a Zoe, (link here,) who contributed by expressing their views on this controversial topic.

Most, if not all, of these vloggers created their channels from a cheap webcam/camera and tripod set up in the corner of their bedrooms, with no intentions of ever becoming so successful on the Internet. Therefore, it must have come as a massive surprise to them, when the number of their subscriptions and followers rose significantly. Obviously they're extremely grateful and appreciate every single one of them whom they have acquired over the years. Without them they wouldn't be as successful as they are now and all the crazy opportunities and adventures they're offered would not have been possible! 

However, what isn't cool is how their fan base have grown and reacted to them! They've become extremely out of hand and are idolising them for all the wrong reasons. It's such a shame because most of the chaos seems to be caused by the younger followers, who spoil it for the rest of us! In previous meetups, YouTubers have unfortunately had to cut the queue short and send innocent people away who may have been queuing for hours to catch a glimpse of their favourite Internet sensations, as a result of inappropriate behaviour from a small group of uncontrollable subscribers! Rarely this happens, but it;s becoming more apparent as the fanbase continues to grow! What 'fans' don't seem to understand is that they don't actually know their favourite YouTubers personally. They may paint their lives on the Internet, vlogging to their subscribers and updating them on their travels, but what they don't display are their most vulnerable moments - perhaps when things don't go to plan or when they're having a down day! No-one really sees how this affects YouTubers directly and Louise was brave to post her feelings on this topic in a video. This sparked off many opinions and comments from various YouTubers, bloggers and viewers from all over!

I am strongly opinionated on this topic, but what I feel hasn't been talked about is how it affects us bloggers too! It's often hard to blog when you're feeling down or suffering from personal problems. It's extremely difficult to reflect upon tough times and most of us do not like sharing this with the Internet. I know whenever I feel rough my instant reaction isn't to post online. I like to embrace the sunshine, grab a cool drink and a good book or snuggle inside with a good film. Most, if not all of my blog is extremely positive and uplifting! Often, I read through some of my older posts, to inspire my mood and for motivation to be productive, but I wouldn't lie to you and say that's an accurate picture for how I live my life! A large percentage of the time, I spend battling with negative thoughts and struggling to get through an average day. I've never been diagnosed with any mental illness before, but many have suggested that I may suffer from depression! It was a shock to hear this from some of my closest friends and family and took a while for me to accept this - I started hating myself for this, but soon had to realise that this wasn't my fault. I don't feel it's necessary to explain what triggered it and I think this post is long enough already. However, if you feel this needs to be elaborated on and made into a separate post, then feel free to let me know!

I guess the moral for this post really is that we're all human, no matter what we're going through and we all have feelings! Before you start judging someone by the content they post online, you should really try and get to know that person, whether it be through an email or comment on their blog/video. They may not get back to you instantly, but it's worth a try! It isn't fair for those who try so hard with their lives, to be knocked down for their hard efforts, just because of some ignorant 'fans'. I know how hard it is to cope sometimes and to struggle through with a fair amount of negativity constantly shouted at you, but you're never alone! There are so many people you can go to if you need some reassurance or simply someone to talk to. If you don't fancy talking to a friend or family member, there are plenty of hotlines available to young people. No-one should have to suffer in silence!

Bye for now! Xxx

Sunday, 18 May 2014

#3 Weekly Favourites

Hey there!

You may remember if you're a regular reader of my blog, that I started this series of posts a while back. However, I never really connected well with it and instantly regretted it as I didn't have anything worth sharing with you that I'd enjoyed during the week. My exams have taken a toll on me recently too and therefore, I haven't really had time to sit down and enjoy my favourite shows or books. 

What I've Been Eating
It's a well known fact that you can't revise successfully without a good stash of goodies to munch on! My trusty companion for this always has to be a huge packet of biscuits to last me the entire exam period. It was a no brainer this year, just had to be Oreos - the famous 'twist it, lick it, dunk it!' For years I had been so tempted to try them, but never really had the opportunity. I actually REALLY enjoyed them and they've certainly kept me going. They'll definitely be on my shopping list next year! 

What I've Been Watching
After a week of crazy revision and a bunch of important exams, I treated myself to a well deserved rest and a movie marathon on the sofa. I managed to watch 3 much-loved movies in this time, which I will share with you! Kung Fu Panda 2 was my go-to movie. I'm not usually a big fan of movies involving violence and fighting, but you just can't resist this one! I'm a huge fan of animated films and love the creativity that goes into making them. I like to wind down with a film that doesn't involve a lot of thinking and this was definitely a good pick! Next was Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang! After watching the first movie, a couple of years back, I was tempted to see the sequel. It had me in fits of giggles at times and overall it was a good movie to relax to! Finally, I watched Forrest Gump! I've been meaning to watch this after years of constant quotes and references by my friends and I finally got the opportunity. This was one of my favourites, which also had me laughing. It's hard not not get attached to Forrest - a down to earth guy, with a big heart and lot of love. To summarize - 'Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get!'

Forrest Gump Movie Poster

What I've Been Trying
A couple of days ago, I received in the post a free sample of RESCUE Pastilles. These little gems are designed to sooth any worries or stresses you may have during the day. They help you to remain calm and set your mind and tummy at ease. I'd say I am definitely a worrier and often get stressed about the most ridiculous things - over thinking doesn't help either. When I received them I was thrilled, they couldn't have come at a more convenient time. With my exams starting the next day, I was in desperate need of them and was eager to use them! After trying these out, I would definitely recommend these to anyone, who like me, panics themselves with worry and stress over the simplest of things. They worked for me and hopefully, will work for you too!  

Bye for now! Xxx

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


Hey there!

Recently, I have become extremely busy balancing my heavy workload and social life during exam time, which has impacted my blog significantly. I've been finding it difficult to create an inventive post, which seems ironic when you look back at my previous post. However, it wasn't until a few days ago that I realised the amount of page views on my blog have shot up! I am not one to judge a blog by the amount of hits it has, but it sure did make me realise just how many of you read and appreciate my blog. I remember uploading my first ever blog post to Blogger at the start of the year, with no intentions of anybody reading it, besides a couple of friends. I never expected it to receive this many viewers and am still totally overwhelmed by it all. I am thrilled to admit I am now a fully fledged member of the blogging community. 

 I never expected my blog to be appreciated by so many people and I love reading through each and every one of your comments. To me, blogging is just a hobby, my passion and my place to escape, but with your support it has also helped to boost my confidence. Prior to this, I would be the girl who moped around at school, sat in corners and missed out on a whole bunch of opportunities, but now I have learnt to change my mentality. I realise now that the people who mind don't matter and the people that matter don't mind and thus, my outlook on life has become a whole lot more positive. Blogging has not only given me the power to express my feelings online, but has helped to shape my future for the better!


Saturday, 10 May 2014

Top 20 Blog Post Ideas...

Hey there!

There comes a time in every bloggers life, (and if they don't admit it - they're lying,) where after many months of constant blog posts, the creativity just stops! Sometimes it's hard to regain the spark, to ignite new content and often, no amount of scrolling through blog posts can inspire any decent ideas, without it sounding too cheesy or plagiarized. So, I thought I'd share with you a list of my top blog post ideas to help with that writer's block...

1) Make a list of things that make you happy 
2) Recommend a book/film that you last enjoyed 
3) Write an About Me or update an already existing one 
4) Give up something for a time period and update readers on how you're coping
5) Discuss a topic that you're most passionate about 
6) Show readers how you like to pamper yourself 
7) Start writing a monthly wishlist
8) Help readers with some top tips for new bloggers
9) Review some products you have used regularly for a long time period
10) Share with readers your transformation over the years
11) Post your worst baby photos online for a laugh
12) Write a blog post dedicated to your favourite bloggers
13) Make a how to tutorial
14) Show your readers where you like to blog
15) Take your camera out and post your day in photos
16) Tell your readers why you started blogging
17) Write a letter to your younger/future self
18) Make a Bucket List 
19) Promote a product or charity to your readers
20) Thank your readers for supporting your blog

Happy Blogging! Xxx  

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

YouTube Fanatic!

Hey there!

Unfortunately today, I decided to take the day off school, (and rightly so,) to spend the entire day bunged up in bed. Runny nose, headache, general tiredness - all symptoms of your standard spring/summer cold, but instead of letting my illness take over, I thought I'd make a quick update on my blog. Most people when they're sick, snuggle up on the sofa with your standard Jeremy Kyle/Judge Trudy type programmes and drink a cuppa soup. I, on the other hand, prefer to be sat in bed with a mug of coffee, a big box of Kleenex tissues, catching up on recent videos on YouTube. I thought I'd show you how I spend my time on the Internet by sharing my favourite YouTubers. 

As mentioned before on my blog in my Q&A blog post, (here,) Zoella has always been my favourite YouTuber. I have followed her channel for a long while and just love how enthusiastic she is. I find super inspired by her after watching her videos and my day becomes instantly brighter. Her attitude to life and her consistent positive attitude amazes me. Such a down to earth girl, currently partnered with PointlessBlog a.k.a Alfie and best friends with SprinkleofGlitter a.k.a Louise and Tanya. I reccomend you subscribe to her channel, you will NOT be disappointed!

SprinkleofGlitter a.k.a Louise and Zoe's best friend, (often referred to as Chummy,) is another of my favourites. Known for her huge shopping hauls, pink dip-dyed hair, amazing husband Matt and their little miracle Darcy. Like Zoe, she also has a positive outlook on life and always manages to entertain me with her occasional vlogs, collaborations, shopping hauls, challenges and much more! 


Jamie's World
One of the most awkwardest teens I've ever known, but ultimately one of the funniest too! Jamie, a typical teenage girl, from New Zealand, shares her entire life story with her many subscribers in short vlogs, often featuring her sister ranging from embarrassing stories, challenges and amazing achievements. If you're as nosy as me or easily pleased, then she's definitely one to watch! 

RoseEllenDix & Rosie
Two of my favourite lesbians, passionately in love, completely comfortable with their sexuality and confident in sharing this with the Internet - the perfect example of what I call 'gay and proud!' Never have I ever been so entertained, so unpredictable and never failing to make me laugh! Definitely one to watch if you're looking for a good cheer up. 

Comment below if you like my top 4 favourites or respond with your most loved YouTubers. 

Bye for now! Xxx