Monday, 14 September 2015

Throwback to Prom!

Hey there,

It's definitely been a while since I've updated my little slice of the Internet -  life has just completely taken over! I just can't believe how time is whizzing by and it feels like ages since prom season...crazy right?! I jumped at the chance to attend my school prom this year, to celebrate an era - the perfect reason to pamper yourself with sparkles and extensions and dress to impress...

Prom season has always been the most exciting time of year for school leaver's. I was lucky enough to be invited by a group of my close friends to prom and of course, I didn't even hesitate to sign up and pay my first deposit! For years I'd been dreaming of this date - any excuse to treat myself to a make-over, but first some serious shopping had to be done...

Shopping for the perfect dress proved to be a stressful procedure, but I couldn't have been happier with my choice. After spending hours on end browsing through endless ball gowns, from long and flowing to short and sparkly, I found the perfect dress. A mad dash round the shops for accessories was desperately needed, but you can't go wrong with a bit of sparkle!

Time was fast approaching us and before I knew it, I was singing away in the back of our mini-bus speeding past the heavy traffic in London. Our chauffeur had  dropped us right outside and I couldn't believe the sheer size of the venue - it was incredible! The building was absolutely mesmerizing and everyone looked stunning! Couples were queuing up for photos on the red carpet, sipping bucks fizz from classy champagne glasses. Camera flashes were everywhere and everyone was buzzing from the excitement!

Drinks were being downed by the gallon and it's safe to say everyone had a great night - even the teachers were dancing. Everyone looked stunning in their ball gowns and this evening is definitely mt favourite unforgettable memory! 

Let me know your favourite prom moments in the comments below!

Bye now! Xxx

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Reflection on New Year's Resolutions...

Hey there,

Halfway through the year already with only 20 more Fridays until Christmas - how time flies! I couldn't think of a better time to write yet another blog post than on my lunch break with the summer sun streaming through my office windows! 

My New Year's Resolutions

Since we are flying through 2015, I thought I'd take the time to sit back and reflect upon some promises I made to myself all the way back in January. Usually I avoid making resolutions - I hate sticking to guidelines and following rules, but this year was something different. I was determined to start my adulthood in a positive frame of mind!

Believe in Myself More
2015 was the start of a whole 'new me.' I know it's all very cliche, but I was determined this would be the year of positivity and change!The best possible advice I could honestly give anyone suffering with self-esteem issues is to surround yourself with people who make you happy. Since leaving education and busying myself at work, I've transformed into a whole new woman!

Panic Attacks
Panic attacks have always been an issue for me - no amount of explaining could ever picture how difficult it is to live with anxious episodes and panic attacks! Never knowing when they might happen or what may trigger them is a huge worry for me, but I am slowly and gradually learning to deal with them and am proud of how far I've come - onwards and upwards!

Appreciate those Special to Me
It takes a lot to realise just how precious your social life is - they may not be blood related but your friends are the family you choose! Spending time with positive people will make a huge difference and recently, I've become a part of a new circle of friends. Although we may have our petty arguments, we are an extremely supportive bunch and I treasure their company dearly!

Read More
Growing up, reading was my absolutely favourite pastime - I'd always have my head deep in a book. Since commuting to work, I've picked up this hobby again and am gradually becoming an avid bookworm. I mean, what better way to pass the time commuting backwards and forwards to work! Look out for some book reviews on my little slice of the Internet - coming soon to a blog near you...

Smile More
Simple, yet effective - a smile can go a long way! I've never been confident in showing off my smile, but now I can't resist taking a selfie everywhere I go. You'll never catch me without a big grin on my face!

Image result for new year's resolutions 2015

How are you coping this year with your New Year's resolutions?

Bye for now! Xxx

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Current Playlist #1

Hey there,

What a morning - words can't even begin to describe the emotions that took over today! Music has definitely been essential, especially when revising my socks off in the heat of the summer sun for those crucial exams! I'll admit I have a playlist for absolutely everything from 'singing in the shower' to settling myself off to sleep. Honestly, I'm raving mad about music and all the latest bands, but Glastonbury and Reading are just a dream away...

Luckily, I have no shame when rocking out to my favourite tunes and am not afraid to show off my moves or hit those high notes, wherever I may be! Festival season is fast approaching, so I thought I'd share with you some of my current favourites...

1) Cheerleader - Omi

Hands down this song proudly holds first place in my Summer playlist! Can't say I'm all that fussed about the music video, but it's just so darn catchy!

2) Bills - Lunchmoney Lewis

Love it or lump it - I'm sure everyone is talking about this tune right now! I'm not surprised this tune has slowly grown on me. Infact, I'm almost certain it's a strong family favourite, heavily blasting from our speakers down the motorway!

3) Bad Blood - Taylor Swift

Taylor never fails to impress me - such a talented woman with a powerful voice! If you haven't already seen the music video, (seriously where have you been?!) I highly recommend it - she looks incredible! *pauses for breath* 

4) See You Again - Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth

For personal reasons, this song holds a lot of meaning and one that is unbelievably close to my heart. I can't help but get emotional every time it plays, but it certainly brings up some beautiful memories!

5) Where Are U Now - Skrillex & Duplo ft Justin Bieber

Who would have thought Justin Bieber and Skrillex would sound so good?! Never been a big fan of either artists, but I couldn't help falling in love with these beats. Definitely a feel good tune for this summer!

I hope you like my choice in music and I can't wait to update you with some new chart-toppers next month!

Bye for now! Xxx

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Shower Reflection

Hey there!

Back again with yet another short update for you on my pretty little slice of the Internet! How I'm glad to be back. I can't stress enough to you how busy I've been recently - conquering endless mountains of revision, pacing myself through the busy, working day. Not forgetting saving every spare moment to embrace my inner party animal. We all know girls just wanna have fun!

After hopping out of the shower, settling myself down with a hot chocolate and burning my favourite little candle, an idea occurred to me for a blog post...

Inspiration stems from the most peculiar places - whether it's keeping you up at night just before you're settled off to sleep or whilst strolling through the park on a warm, summer's day. Believe it or not, my ideal place for brainstorming is my beloved shower!

As much as I love to sing, (possibly deafening my poor neighbours,) this is where my creative juices start flowing. If I'm lathering myself up, inhaling the fumes of my favourite scented body wash for over an hour, then I'm most probably deep in thought. Once my brain starts buzzing, there is no stopping me.

Almost immediately, I'll wriggle my way deep into my fluffy dressing gown, heading straight for my blog, ready to scribble down my thoughts, eager to share with all of you - now that is dedication!

Image result for inspiration

My question to you - where do you find your inspiration?

Bye for now! Xxx

Thursday, 26 March 2015

The British Tag

Hey there,

It's been way too long since I last updated my blog, but fear no more I am back - here in the flesh, tapping away my keyboard! Recently, I've been rushed off my feet with one thing and another so have had no time to spare for my little slice of the Internet. More importantly, I've been hidden away with my head in a book for what seems like eternity - how I've missed catching up with my favourite authors! 

Unless you've been hidden under a rock, you'll have noticed that everyone seems to be significantly happier - thanks to these longer days and perfect sunshine! Not quite short wearing weather yet, but just enough to expose a little bit of leg. I can't help but daydream for summer to arrive, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to take part in...

1. How many cups of tea a day do you have? How many sugars?

I'll be honest, I'm not a huge tea fan - I'm more of a coffee drinker. If I'm not tucked away with my favourite book, then I'm most probably sat in Starbucks treating myself to a frothy coffee. Most days I'll get through 2 cups of coffee with just the one sugar. I'm already sweet enough - cue the cringe!

2. Favourite part of your roast?

Hands down, it just has to be roast potatoes. No Sunday dinner would be complete without a handful of crispy spuds - seasoned with just enough herbs to make your mouth water. 

3. Favourite dunking biscuit?

Definitely a tough one to answer, but I do love a good Bourbon. For something a bit more fancy, I'll never say no to a rich tea biscuit. 

4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime?

A monthly trip to London has always been on my checklist. Visiting landmarks and joining the local hustle and bustle is definitely something to admire about Britain - I just can't get enough of London!

Image result for london

5. Favourite word?

Bollocks - not the most pleasant of British words, but I'm forever catching myself saying it whenever I make a balls-up of something. Definitely brings the common side out of me!

6. Cockney rhyming slang?

Fortunately, I've had the privilege of being brought up by a former East-end father. I've always been fascinated by the language and love learning new phrases too! 

7. Favourite sweet?

You just can't beat a lemon sherbet. Definitely popular in the UK and I just can't get enough of them!

8. What would your pub be called?

Tough question I think - I've never been a creative one myself. British pubs always seem to be named after monarchs, so I guess mine would be have to be dedicated to the royals.

9. No.1 British person?

Hands down, Michael McIntyre! Enough said really - he's just so down to earth and never fails to make me giggle. 

10. Favourite Shop/Restaurant?

I've always been a big fan of the Harvester - that's one place I'm well known for! I do love a good pie and mash meal and I've always taken advantage of my local cafe too. Guess I'm just a food fanatic!

11. What British song pops into your head?

I wouldn't be British if I didn't mention our anthem. Known all over the world and something I'll never forget the words to. Can't beat a good ol' classic of Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley! That's definitely one to be saved for flashing those moves in your bedroom!

12. Marmite?

I'll admit I've never been a huge fan of marmite. They say you either love it or hate it, but I think I'm definitely an exception. If I'm in a rush, marmite on toast is the way to go!

Worth giving a go? I think so - I challenge all of you reading this to take part in the British Tag!

Bye for now! Xxx

Thursday, 12 March 2015

My Adventures in Hospital 02/03/15

Hey there, 

It's definitely been a while since I've updated my little slice of the Internet  and to be honest, I can't apologize enough! How I've missed eagerly tapping away at my keyboard, frantically spewing out the contents of brain onto my blog for all you nosy viewers to read! 

I'm not asking for sympathy, but I can assure you last week was not an easy ride! You may think I'm making a big fuss out of nothing, but I've never been a huge fan of hospitals. Always full of disappointments, bad news and don't even get me started on the smell! 

For over a year now, I have been wearing a brace - pretty obvious if you've seen my countless number of photos, (a girl can never have too many selfies!) Just recently I've found a new attachment to it and can't bare to part with it yet. However, as much as I love my braces, I do not enjoy the tedious trips to the hospital with dentists towering over me peering inside my mouth - too close for comfort! 

But it doesn't just stop at the braces - oh no, my case is a lot more complicated than you may think! A couple of months ago, I was hit with the news that my jaw appeared to be slightly asymmetrical. At the time I remained quiet, yet calm, confident that it was nothing too serious. That was until they told me it meant I'd have to have my jaw realigned to prevent any problems in the future - definitely not something I was prepared for! 

Last week was the first initial step towards the end result and I'll admit I was definitely unprepared for what was yet to happen. Surrounded by patients in a hospital bed nervously waiting to be called in for my wisdom teeth to be removed was not my idea of fun!

Nevertheless, despite all the nerves I had been suppressing for hours on end, I couldn't resist whipping my camera out to pose for my outfit of the day - the typical hospital gown, (how attractive!)

Fortunately, I am back to my usual, perky self again and will be posting regularly on my blog again, so you won't have to miss me too much!

Bye for now! Xxx

Monday, 16 February 2015

#3 10 Things That Have Made Me Happy This Week

Hey there,

Seriously though, where did January go? I can't believe we've almost whizzed through February too - this year is flying by! I'm proud to say so far that my New Year's Resolutions are yet to be broken and I have high expectations for the rest of this year. Unfortunately, I had a turn for the worst at the start of this week and my fairytale relationship has come to an end. I am determined not to let this bother me and sometimes I think to myself it was a blessing in disguise. Love is a foolish emotion and I'll admit it hasn't been easy, but luckily for me I had the support I needed to make this week a good one!

1. Interacting with new bloggers on Twitter

2. Involving myself with a new group of friends

3. Watching the sun set in the evening from my office.

4. Finally meeting up with a good friend of mine.

5. Spending hours on Skype uncontrollably laughing to myself. 

6. Seeing my favourite bands play live at the O2.

7. Forever performing into my hairbrush in front of my mirror, being a diva.

8. Wasting pennies in the arcades. 

9. Messing about with my friend's dog.

10. Having a well deserved lie-in on a Sunday.

Bye for now! Xxx

Friday, 6 February 2015

HOW TO: Deal With Plane Stress...

Hey there,

I know what you're all probably thinking after reading the title of my blog post, have you seen the weather outside? I agree, it's not my ideal weather for a vacation. However, after having moved into the loft at work, I'm constantly watching planes flying overhead - it's hard not to day dream about my holiday! I'm nowhere near an expert on this, infact I've only ever flown once, but I remember feeling so anxious sitting in that airport for the first time. I know how terrifying flying can be for certain people, so I wanted to write a post to offer some helpful tips to ensure your flight is a good one...

Hydrate Yourself - it's always good to ensure you drink plenty before and during your flight. I find that my mood increases dramatically by hydrating myself well and prepares me for my travels.

Rest Well -  there's nothing worse than a sleepless night the evening before your flight. Reading before bed is a good way to relax, ensuring I fall asleep with no trouble.

Boiled Sweets - I found that squashing a packet of sweets in my coat pocket was the best decision I ever made on my first flight. Sucking on hard candy is a great distraction when flying and also the best way to help when your ears pop!

Relaxing Music - before you head on your journey, ensure you have a playlist with your favourite music stored on your phone/iPod. Listening to your most loved songs is the best way to help with any anxieties you may have.

I hope you find my tips useful and take note of these when flying abroad!

Bye for now! Xxx

Friday, 30 January 2015

5 Things I Want To Make A Habit

Hey there, 

Habits are usually something you want to give up, right? Biting your nails, binging on junk food for example? Occasionally I'll do things that make me feel good, things that I want to spend more time on to enable me to become more organised. These activities are what I want to become a habit to make me a better person, but in order for that to happen I must share them with you!

I'm a huge fan of lists, I don't think I could possibly be productive without them! If I'm not sat scribbling away in my notepad, then I'm probably rushing around completing all the tasks I was meant to do that I didn't have time for because I was too busy creating my list. In-fact, I'm pretty certain that making lists is my new favourite habit!

Listed below are my top 5 things I want to make habits:

1. Spend 5 - 10 Minutes Putting Things Away

Everyone loves coming home to a tidy bedroom, right? I feel it creates a better thinking space and makes me feel more productive. I usually have spare moments in my day, which I could use to declutter my space and generally tidy my occasional mess. I choose not to just so I can watch my favourite series on Netflix or catch up with my friends.

If you haven't guessed by now, I am the best at procrastinating. especially when it involves housework. I even blog away at work just to kill some extra time, but I've decided this needs to stop. My new routine will be to leave at least 5-10 minutes - making the bed, cleaning my desk space and throwing away all my old products!

2. Burn Scented Candles

It's almost impossible being a blogger to not like candles. I am a huge fan of Yankee Candles and can spend hours in store testing every single scent. There's nothing better than having a warm glow on your bedside table/desk on a winter's evening whilst blogging away!

3. Use My Travel Time Wisely

On an average working day, I spend at least an hour commuting to and from work. As much as I enjoy rocking out to my favourite tunes along the journey, I find that reading would be a much better way to pass the time. I love to get stuck into a good novel, but find I don't have much spare time to do this anymore. I'm not much of a people person in the morning so I think this would be a great way to spend my travel time!

4. Spend at least 30 Minutes Reading A Night

There's no denying that I'm a little geek! Growing up, I was an avid bookworm and used to always have my head in a book. I miss reading every evening with the warm glow of my lava lamp in the background. Recently, I've been recommended a couple of books that are worth reading, so I think adding this to my daily routine will be a good idea!

5. Save One Night A Week For Me-Time

It's not often I get the chance to treat myself to a pamper session at home. I love to treat myself to a bubbly LUSH bath with some relaxing tunes or Netflix playing in the background. I would consider myself to be a social butterfly and love to spend my evenings hanging with a group of my friends. Recently, I've found these late nights leave me feeling groggy and demotivated in the mornings and so I feel a night in would solve all my problems!

If you liked this post, comment below what things you want to make a habit?

Bye for now! Xxx

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

*Review: Graze Snackbox

Hey there,

I love coming home after a long day at work to a parcel waiting for me at the door! I promised myself that 2015 would be the year I introduce more reviews onto my little space of the Internet  and I love to share my opinions. I spend a lot of my time scrolling through product reviews on my favourite bloggers sites, so I thought I'd give it a go!

Unless you've been living under a rock, you should all be familiar with Graze - a healthy box, filled with 4 yummy snacks to eat on the move! I was particularly impressed with the packaging of these snacks and was especially pleased that it could all be recycled. Graze offer you a free box on your first purchase and enable you to get your fifth box free, so it's well worth purchasing! 

If you continue to purchase these boxes, you will receive a different selection of snacks each month to munch away on. Below are my reactions to the snacks I received this month:

Coffee & Walnut Cake - mix of chocolate coffee beans, walnuts, sponge pieces & raisins

I decided to tear open this little box first. I've never been a big fan of walnuts, but I loved the look of this box, so didn't think twice. I was met with a strong scent of coffee as I ripped off the plastic, which I loved. However, I felt this snack was too dry for me and wasn't surprised when I choked on the walnuts! Although, the chocolate coffee beans made it more manageable to eat, I definitely won't be purchasing this snack again!

Triple Berry Smoothie - mini strawberries, blueberries, cranberries and banana

I've always been a huge lover of fruit - I'd much rather a bunch of grapes than a carrot stick. Infact, I'm hoping to save up for a Nutribullet smoothie maker soon! After skimming through the contents of this packet, I just couldn't wait to open it! I started with a banana piece, before trying a handful of mixed fruits and was absolutely amazed at the intense flavours! This wasn't my favourite snack, but I was seriously impressed and would definitely recommend trying it. 

Soy Roasted Seeds - packed with essential nutrients

For anyone that knows me personally, it's pretty obvious that I am an avid lover of savoury food. I'd choose a packet of cheese puffs over a slice of chocolate cake any day. I bet can imagine how excited I was when I found these in my Graze box! Being a vegetarian, nuts and seeds are a significant part of my diet - I'm basically a parrot! I was easily pleased with this selection of seeds and couldn't eat them fast enough. They definitely got my vote!

Fruity Mango Chutney - with black pepper dippers

I think I made the right decision to save these until last. Don't they just look so appetising? They were easily my favourite snack - packed with flavour and definitely worth having in your box.

Overall, I would definitely recommend these for anyone who's constantly on the move. These are brilliant for a snack at lunch time, perfect for day trips out and easily affordable at only £3.99 per box. Definitely worth a try and I'm sure you won't be disappointed!

Bye for now! Xxx

Monday, 26 January 2015

Blogger's Q & A

Hey there, 

I hope you're all well and spent your weekend in style! Recently, I've been a social butterfly and really embracing my new found confidence. Last weekend, I even found myself dressing up and braving the dance floor, after having a few drinks of course - such a classy teenager. Anyway, enough with the introduction, let's get on with the blog post!

This week, I wanted to create an opportunity on my little slice of the Internet to interact with you lovely readers! I love participating in bloggers chats on Twitter and hearing what everyone has to say - it's a great feeling being a part of this community. Therefore, I decided to give you an opportunity to ask any questions you may have to feature in my next Q&A post. 

I'm looking forward to reading your comments below and thank you so much for supporting and reading my little updates on here - it really does mean a lot!

Bye for now! Xxx

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Nessie Here Turns One - 25/01/15

Hey there!

It's a very special moment for my blog today - that's right, my little space of the Internet has officially turned a year old! I can't believe how I've managed to grow my blog in such a short space of time. Ever since I was a young girl, I'd always had a passion for writing - in-fact, I was always top of the class in English. However, I was forever filling notebooks with uncompleted novels and failed every year with my diaries. I find blogging such a therapeutic method of sharing my thoughts and I'm glad you've appreciated my madness at times!

As I've powered through this year, I feel I've picked up a whole range of writing techniques and have learnt so much about myself. Looking back through some of my first ever blog posts, I can't help but cringe at how naive I sounded, but let's face it, we all do it - if we didn't start somewhere, we never would. I consider this to be a big part of my life now and it's a hobby I really enjoy. I'm hoping to further my skills with photography and hope to get creative this year!

To all of my readers - whether you're a friend of mine on Bloglovin', following my social media accounts or generally passing by, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by. I really do appreciate each and every comment that I receive and try to make an effort to respond. It warms my heart knowing that someone will hopefully benefit and care about the content on my blog. It's simply incredible how uploading life stories and unique content can connect a whole range of people together and during 2014 I was lucky enough to meet some wonderful girls! 

Bye for now! Xxx

Friday, 23 January 2015

#2 10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week!

Hey there,

Is it just me or does anyone else feel that this week has been the longest week so far? I'm starting to become impatient for spring to arrive - I'm fed up of struggling to roll out of bed in the morning, fed up of the freezing cold and fed up of waking up for work in the morning in the dark. I must admit the frost is beautiful, but I'm getting tired of having to wear three pairs of socks whenever I decide to brave the cold! Despite the drop in temperature, there were many moments which made it a lovely week.  

1. Catching up with old friends.

2. Coming home to my favourite dinner on the table.

3. Hearing the words 'I Love You'

4. Reading some lovely comments on my blog.

5. Deep thinking whilst gazing up at the stars on my evening walks home.

6. Reminiscing my childhood - breathing into the cold air, pretending to be a dragon.

7. Planning a holiday away with my boyfriend.

8. Embracing my local area, playing with my favourite cat.

9. Receiving an invite to prom.

10. Having that Friday feeling.

What's made you happy this week?

Bye for now! Xxx

Benefits of Switching Off

Hey there, 

Being a writer, it can be hard to stay completely motivated all of the time. Often, I find myself staring blank faced at my screen for hours on end, struggling to put pen to paper. Coming up with a constant source of inspiration can be quite overwhelming and extremely tiring - I usually end up spending what are supposed to be productive days, scrolling endlessly through my social networking accounts. Countless nights I have fallen asleep on my keyboard, shattered from a busy night brainstorming! 

Overworking and striving to provide good quality content, without any successful blog content, can leave you in a state of panic! You're left at the end of a productive day, feeling down in the dumps, second guessing everything you've ever produced, wondering if there is even a point to it anymore. This is where the switching off comes in: time to relax, invest in some me-time, but don't forget to keep your mind active, constantly seeking new ideas! 

Top tips to help switch off:

Literally switch off - the most crucial part of unplugging from the Internet is to physically turn everything off - your phone, laptop, iPod, whatever....It helps to leave everything switched off and hidden away in a different room. Social media has a way of messing with our minds - meddling with our self-confidence, eating away what's left of your self-esteem. Leave it all behind and take a break from the online world!

Focus on YOU - it's not often I have the time to treat myself to a lazy day. I find that resting the mind is the best way to help recharge. I love to spend an evening reading from the glow of my lava lamp - it's my favourite method of inspiration and helps spark new ideas for my little slice of the Internet. If you're nosey like me then you can read more about how I like to spend my me-time here!

I strongly advise taking a step away from the Internet from time to time. There's no need to feel guilty for abandoning your blog for a while. Make a habit of it - inspiration will surely strike again!

Bye for now! Xxx

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

My Top 5: Disney Films

Hey there,

I felt like it was time to introduce a new series to my little slice of the Internet. I've read posts by my favourite bloggers from this series before, so in no way is this an original idea, but I must admit I was definitely inspired! Last month, I shared with you a sneak-peak of my Top 5 Christmas films in my Blogmas series, which you can catch up on here and there's no better way to spark off this series than with my Disney favourites!

No matter what age, they'll always be a place in your heart for some light-hearted Disney magic - especially when it's bitter cold outside! 

1) Frozen

Judge me all you want, but Frozen is definitely in my Top 5 for Disney films. Can you believe it's been an entire year already since this was released? I find myself singing along to the soundtrack almost too much, but can you really blame me? Frozen is perfect for this time of year and I can assure you it will be my go-to film this Christmas! 'Let it go, let it go...!'

2) Tangled


Another one of my favourites is the magical rendition of Rapunzel - Tangled. Growing up, I spent endless hours wishing my hair would gracefully tumble down my shoulders. I envied her lovely, long locks and hoped that one day a handsome, young man would swoop me off my feet, just like in the films - how naive!

3) Peter Pan

You can't forget about the good ol' Disney classics! Peter Pan was always a much-loved favourite of mine as a child. As a young girl, I was never a big fan of Disney princesses - a plate of biscuits and a bunch of pirates seemed to sort me out, (strange child, I know!) I loved the idea of never having to grow up, if only it were true!

4) Lady & the Tramp

Yet another classic Disney film - how could I possibly leave this one off the list? I've always had a soft spot for dogs and I love to curl up on the sofa with a romantic movie, dipping into a selection of chocolates. It's not surprising this heart-warming Disney film made it into my top 5. 

5) Wreck It Ralph

From the moment I saw the trailer for Wreck It Ralph, I knew I just had to watch it. I managed to drag my entire family along with me to the cinema. I would honestly recommend to it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet - I was practically glued to the screen!

Let me know in the comments what your favourite Disney films are...

Bye for now! Xxx

Friday, 16 January 2015

The Me-Time Tag

Hey there!

During my lunch breaks at work, I love to scroll through my favourite blogs, brainstorm ideas for future posts and publish new content onto my little space of the Internet. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to be tagged to write this blog post by Danielle. Last month, during the Christmas holidays, I spent endless hours munching on mountains of unhealthy snacks, mastering how to be the best couch potato, never wanting to leave my fluffy blanket. Therefore, I felt it was the perfect time to do this!

What do you read or watch during me-time?

During me-time, I like to settle down in my pyjama's with my frothy, hot chocolate watching back-to-back videos starring my favourite YouTubers. I rarely ever watch TV series and don't settle for just one book. I'm an avid Internet fan, so there's nothing better than to catch up with my most loved Internet sensations!

What do you wear during me-time?

I alternate between pyjamas and my slouchy clothes - definitely paired up with some cute, fluffy socks. I've never been a fan of tracksuits, so usually I wear leggings and a baggy top, but most of the day I lounge around in my Bambi nightwear - how cute!

What are your me-time beauty products?

During me-time I prefer not to smother myself with any beauty products. I love to lounge around with my hair shoved up in a messy bun and a face free of any make-up. There's no point making any effort if you have no-one to impress. However, I do love a nice bubble bath during the day and am a huge fan of LUSH products - my favourite being The Comforter. They always make me smell clean and fresh, leaving my skin feel smooth, which relaxes me a lot!

Current favourite nail polish?

I don't particularly have a favourite nail polish at the moment. I haven't had a lot of time to pain my nails recently as I've been hard at work. I've always been in love with Barry M's nail varnish - I'm always impressed with the quality of these and never disappointed with the colour selection!

What do you eat or drink during me-time?

I'm not a huge fan of sweet food - I'd much rather a bag of cheese puffs than a slice of chocolate cake. My favourite snack to munch on during me-time is a big plate of potato wedges - not forgetting the ketchup! I can't resist making myself a hot chocolate piled high with marshmallows and whipped cream - the perfect way to treat yourself... 

Do you ever have outdoor me-time?

I love to go on long walks during a summer's evening. I enjoy my own company, especially when I'm outdoors, embracing the setting of the sun with my favourite tunes, observing the rest of the world. I miss the outdoors when the weather gets colder, but I'd rather snuggle with a classic film, rather than battling the bitter wind.

Current favourite candle?

It's almost impossible to fall in love with candles when you're a blogger - the temptation to buy the entire Yankee store is just too much! I am absolutely loving the 'Snow in Love' Yankee candles at the moment - they're just so refreshing. I bought myself some tea lights to place around my bath during the Winter and I can assure you, I was not disappointed!

Would you ever go and see a movie alone?

I doubt I would, I'm lucky that my friends share the same taste in films. We've always made the effort to go in one big group - I think I'd be too awkward asking for a single ticket for the cinema at the cash point!

Anything else to add? What else do you like to do during me-time?

I love to spend days alone in Central London - my favourite place to travel. I love the buzzing atmosphere of busy shoppers and admire their determination to push their way through the crowds. Growing up, I've always been inspired by my dad's photography and spent a lot of my time practising some techniques. When I get the opportunity to take a trip up to London, I make sure I capture the moments where I feel most at ease!

I challenge anyone reading this to try out the me-time tag and make a post on their little slice of the Internet.

Bye for now! Xxx